

注)公開用シラバス情報となります。在学生の方は、「UNIVERSAL PASSPORT」で詳細をご確認下さい。

科目名 英語4(English4)
担当教員名 デイヴィッド フィッツパトリック
配当学年 2 開講期 後期
必修・選択区分 選択 単位数 2
履修上の注意または履修条件  The focus of this class is on COMMUNICATION SKILLS and ENJOYING COMMUNICATING.
Class activities will involve interaction with the other students in the class.
Students will be expected to actively participate in small group work activities as part of their final score.

受講心得  Attendance(主席) of every class is very important.
Effort(動力) is more important than ability(英語力).
教科書 All class materials will be prepared by the teacher and copied for the students
関連科目 Eigo3, Eigo4,Eigo5,Eigo6
授業の目的 English is a tool for communication. (英語はコミュニケーションの為の道具です)
 The main purpose of this course is to teach communication skills and give students a chance to practice and improve those skills. Here at NBU we are very lucky to have students fom many different countries so many activities will include cross-cultural learning and communication. 
授業計画 学習内容 学習課題(予習・復習)
○Week 1: Communication Activity- Summer Vacation - Telling , Interviewing and Reporting

○Week 2: Grammar Review =find the mistakes exercise

○Week 3: Staement/Questions and Responses Exercise- Choosing the correct response to a variety of statements and questions

○Week 4: Review of Past tenses- Conmmunication Activity- People From the Past

○Week 5: Review of Future Tenses- Communication Activity- What lies ahead.

○Week 6: MiniTest on Verb Tenses and Error Correction

○Week 7: Class Presentation-Group Work- Explanation and Preparation

○Week 8: Group Presentations

○Week 9: Fact or Opinion Exercise- Finding out what other people think.

○Week 10: Do you agree or disagree? Opinion Exchange and giving reasons for your opinions

○Week 11: Opinions from around the world. Reading and group work. Part 1

○Week 12: Opinions from around the world. Reading and group work. Part 2

○Week 13: The Best and the Worst of this year. Introduction to Superlatives

○Week 14: My experiences. Question making and conversation building based on psat experiences.

○Week 15: Review and test preparation

○Week 16:Final Test
評価方法 評価の割合 評価の実施方法と注意点
試験 40% Test of all Points from Week 8 through week 15
Dictionaries are okay.
小テスト 20% Small test of material from week 1 through week 7.
Dictionaries are okay.
その他 Effort and Participation 40%
合計 100